Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Olive oil is not only good for cardiovascular but also prevents dementia

Some recent studies have shown that extra virgin olive oil seems to prevent Alzheimer's disease. The fact that these studies were conducted in mice did not appear in many news reports. Studies have shown that the use of extra virgin olive oil protects memory and learning, as well as reduces brain changes associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Olive oil is not only good for cardiovascular but also prevents dementia
Studies have shown that those who follow the Mediterranean diet, stressing the consumption of olive oil, are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. We don't know if olive oil works – the Mediterranean diet also includes many fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and fish. What we know is that this diet is good for the heart and can cause positive changes in cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which may also benefit the brain.

The study also found that olive oil can reduce brain inflammation in small mice that have key features of Alzheimer's disease. The researchers report that olive oil also activates the process by which cells break down and clear intracellular debris and toxins, such as amyloid plaques and the head protein neuronal entanglement of Alzheimer's disease. Rats who ate olive oil performed better in tests that evaluated memory, spatial memory, and learning ability than mice that did not eat olive oil.

We know that people with high levels of hemoglobin in their blood are twice as likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease as ordinary people. In people with higher protein levels, homocysteine ​​levels are higher; in contrast, fruits and green leaf vegetables provide folic acid and other vitamin B, which can help the body reduce homocysteine ​​levels. It is difficult to determine causality, but reducing animal protein and eating more fruits and vegetables is good for health and may help prevent or alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, an anti-inflammatory diet (based on the Mediterranean diet) usually prevents a variety of diseases, while Alzheimer's disease has an inflammatory component.

Therefore, it is recommended to use olive oil more than usual cooking, not just bread and salad. It contains the highest proportion of monounsaturated fats for heart health. Premium olive oil is also rich in antioxidants, which have been proven to protect the cardiovascular and anti-cancer effects.

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